do you believe in free will?and if you do can you explain how it works?.
i can't see how free will could work.our motivation for doing things good or bad seems to come from a mixture of genes and enviroment, and through a long and complicted process cause us to perform all the actions we experience in life.when we feel a prompting to do something ,eat sleep have sex etc, this is accomplished by our body using chemicals in our bodies to give us a feeling that we then act upon.the degree to which these chemicals prompt us is related to genetic makeup and environment.. so some people have a bigger desire to eat than others because they lack the chemical stimulation that tells them to stop eating.or some will eat less (often when ill) because the chemicals that prompt you to eat are normal life lots of over factors will be involved to like say an important phonecall at lunch time .if your brain feels the information from that call is important enough it will send out different chemicals that will cause you to attend to that situation first if serious enought.. knowledge can modify how our bodies react to certain situations, for example a child may see an icecream van and run into the road because his body has yet to learn of the danger of running into a road.when taught how foolish this by a nasty experience or hopefully , taught about the dangers by its parents, then the body will send out a meesage to look at the road first.. our bodies tell us which ideas are good and bad according to the information it holds and we react accordingly.we can fight desires but the will to do so is caused by other desires which are prompted by the body.. to have true free will neither our genes or enviroment could effect what we decide to do.. we have to be able to do things irespective of what promting we recive from our bodies or what information we have learnt and has thus modified our bodies response.. maybe there are but i can not think of any situation where or actions or reactions can not be explianed by genes mixed with environment (often in a very complicated way).nor can i understand how free will could work,unless free will is just a random action which could not be free will in the true sense.. if there is no free will then if there were a god and we are judged on what we do then this is entirely unfair as we really have little say in what we do in life.
an elder dropped off some material he printed out to encourage me.....i don't think he read it discussions i have continually pointed out the reason why i have doubts is because i've read most of the publications from the late 1800's right through the glory years 1914 to 1942 and lost faith due to seeing the repeated changes and false predictions made by russell and rutherford.
why would god tell rutherford to name anything after him and reveal complex bible passages which are still hotly debated by many scholars while allowing him to teach and mislead thousands under that same banner of truth.
one time when i was living in san diego county, california....i was in a ralph's grocery have a habit of discussing prices and such while i'm shopping....out loud....there doesn't hafta be anyone else there....i just discuss 'em with myself, since i'm gonna be the one payin'.....when i got to the nuts aisle.....and it was at the end of the aisle closest to the checkout lines, naturally....i began berrating the peanuts over their outrageous prices.....there was a loudspeaker for the store in the ceiling...directly over my head.....just as i finished my oratory to the peanuts, an employee bellowed something totally incomprehensible through the store speakers.....i'm extremely easily startled.....and as luck would have it, the store manager was just passing the end of the aisle where i stood doing my spastic, throwing my jerking hands up and jumping through my skin dance, because i thought at first the peanuts had answered me......the man bent over double laughing....i woulda kicked his arse if he hadn't peed his pants right there....harrumph!
so tell me....have yall ever done anything that turned your face red?